Scotland topic
On Friday 20th November the class visited Renfrew Library and we learned how a book was made, from the author writing the story, to getting it published and ready to be sold in the shops. The visit was a good opportunity for us to see how a library works and how we can join the library.
At PE this term, we have been learning to do some Scottish dances and we are really enjoying ourselves. We also have Mr Armour coming to do gymnastics with us on Tuesday afternoons for a few weeks.
We have been working on our Scotland topic and are learning about towns and cities, and rivers and mountains. We used the map at
At PE this term, we have been learning to do some Scottish dances and we are really enjoying ourselves. We also have Mr Armour coming to do gymnastics with us on Tuesday afternoons for a few weeks.
We have been working on our Scotland topic and are learning about towns and cities, and rivers and mountains. We used the map at
At December 28, 2009 at 10:35 PM ,
Mrs Sloan said...
I like the video clip of you learning a Scottish ceilidh dance.
You have been producing some great writing linked to the Scotland topic especially the Scottish fairy story, The Sprightly Tailor and your acrostic poems. You are getting really good at using descriptive language - well done.
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