Term 1
4 Blog
Welcome to Primary 4. We have all settled into our new classroom in
room 11, we are now upstairs! Our new teacher is called
Mrs Irving. We have been making new friends within our class and are enjoying
primary 4.
In RME we have been learning about Hinduism
and Rama and Sita. We did some art work with Miss Craig and we have also
performed some drama and retold the story of Rama and Sita. This was great fun
and we have some actors in our class.
This term our Social Studies topic is
China and we have discovered where China is and located the capital on our
maps. We are going to learn about school life in China, the currency and the language
that is spoken. We will compare the differences between China and Scotland.
As we are now in the upper school we
have more responsibilities and we have Pupil Council, Anti- Bullying and Eco
School Representatives
We are looking
forward to the rest of the term.