Thursday, May 30, 2013
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Term 4
When we returned from our Easter Holidays we started to practise for our class Assembly about Miracles and Parables. We told the story about Jesus Feeding the Five Thousand and The Prodigal Son. Our assembly was on Friday 26th April and it went very well and many of our parents were able to attend, they were very proud of us as was Mrs Irving.
Our science topic
this term is electricity; we are particularly enjoying this and have been creating
simple circuits. We have also been looking
at different materials ( rubber, paper clips, paper,
aluminium foil, metal spoon, plastic fork, coins, paper fasteners) and predicting whether they
are conductors or insulators. We discussed in our co-op groups our predictions.
Then we were able to choose different materials and make a circuit and record
whether they were insulators or conductors.
We are very
fortunate as we have been Duncan at P.E. who is teaching us about hockey. We
are developing our hockey skills and we are having great fun as well.